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Senior in Action

The "Senior in action" project implemented by the University College of Enterprise and Administration in Lublin is focused on solving the problem of exclusion of older people

Senior in Action

square with Tentacles  Project title

Senior in Action

outline of the upper man silhouette  Name of Beneficiary/Beneficiaries

University College of Enterprise and Administration in Lublin

briefcase icon  Name of programme

Knowledge Education Development Operational Programme

newspaper icon  Competition

The University’s Third Mission

two heaps of coins icon  Project value

PLN 570 589.00

hand icon with two circles above it  Funding value

PLN 549 257.80

clock icon  Project delivery period

from 1 November 2018 till 31 March 2022

View the results of our work

A group of event participants during self-painting

What problem is addressed by the project? 

The "Senior in action" project  implemented by the University College of Enterprise  and Administration in Lublin is focused on solving the problem of exclusion of older people. The educational activities offered in the Project - computer, language, photography workshops - as well as dance, fitness, handicraft workshops and health and safety classes organized while taking into consideration functional, emotional or health barriers, contribute to strengthening the social and professional potential of 90 people 55+ years old.

Who uses the project results? 

The largest group that will benefit from the project’s results is made up of the participants of the project. By taking part in trainings prepared with Seniors in mind, they have learned how to use a computer and the Internet - the aim was to teach the participants how to benefit from the most helpful functions offered by the Internet: making purchases online, paying bills, setting up an email and a bank account and using them, and also using the Internet in various institutions. Our Participants could also ask the Trainers/Lecturers to provide classes on things that interest them the most or which they find most problematic - including the use of a mobile phone and the Internet on a smartphone. Thanks to attending the English language classes, participants can communicate in this language at the airport or abroad - the language barrier has been reduced and we hope that this will enable them to travel. Numerous physical activities – fitness classes, swimming, dancing, handicraft, Nordic walking - motivated our participants to keep moving. Some of them were at a sports club for the first time, they could get acquainted with a gym. Other groups that benefited from the implementation of this Project were our University College of Enterprise and Administration in Lublin, as well as the Trainers and Lecturers involved in the Project. During the implementation of this project, we have gained very important experience - in working and cooperating with a social group of people 55+ years old. We gained the opportunity to look at Seniors from a different perspective, see their commitment, willingness to live and be active, their motivation and their joy of attending the classes, meeting with each other and our team. We could listen to their needs and problems, but also benefit from their knowledge and experience.

What was the greatest challenge during project implementation?

The Project Team was very enthusiastic about the implementation of the "Senior in Action" project. At the stage of project implementation, we were expecting quick recruitment of its participants. However, this turned out to be the biggest challenge - reaching people 55+ years old was not an easy task - most of these people did not have access to the Internet or did not know how to use it. Recruitment process had to be carried out in a more traditional way - our team members met the Seniors personally - recruitment was conducted in supermarkets - we handed out leaflets and personally provided information to interested people, we helped them fill out recruitment forms, our posters were hung in places such as neighbourhood libraries, on information boards.

Our advice for other applicants

Our only advice is that it is worth undertaking this type of project with such a target group as people 55+ years old.
