Silesia University
Learn original phrases in Romance languages with e-learning courses
Project title
E-learning courses in the field of phraseology and professional preparation of scientific publications
Task 1 of the project: Phraseodidactics e-learning courses in French, Spanish and Italian
Name of Beneficiary/Beneficiaries
University of Silesia in Katowice
Name of programme
Knowledge Education Development Operational Programme
Kurs na MOOC
Project value
PLN 169 000,00
Funding value
PLN 163 929,99
Project delivery period
1st Oct 2017 – 30th Sep 2021
Meet our team
Task 1 in the project is carried out by the Team:
- University professor Monika Sułkowska, PhD - originator, manager and project coordinator;
- Anna Dolata-Zaród, PhD - contractor of the French language project;
- Agnieszka Gwiazdowska, PhD - contractor for the Spanish language project;
- Lucyna Marcol-Cacoń, PhD - contractor of the Italian language project;
- Agnieszka Pastucha-Blin, PhD - contractor of the Italian language project;
- Dominika Topa-Bryniarska, PhD - contractor of the project in the field of French;
- Zuzanna Lamża, MA - contractor of the Spanish language project;
- Paweł Pawełczyk, MA - project contractor - IT specialist in the field of e-learning platforms.
View the results of our work
What problem is addressed by the project?
Phraseology courses offered on the platform in French, Spanish and Italian are designed to help you to learn phraseology in foreign languages. They are intended for people learning foreign languages at minimum level B.
Their task is to develop phraseological competences, both receptive, i.e. related to the proper understanding of phraseologisms, and productive, i.e. allowing free use of phraseological relationships in their statements.
The phraseology course in each language consists of 15 units. Each of them contains a glossary, i.e. a set of selected phraseologisms along with an explanation of their meaning.
In addition, the course includes examples of the use of phraseological phrases in context and a variety of practical exercises based on phraseological relationships present in the glossary. Exercises on the platform allow for self-control.
The courses are based on somatic phraseology, that is, on word relationships formed with the names of parts of the human body and the names of its typical attributes. Somatic phraseology represents the most productive and frequently used area of phraseology in all languages.
The courses have an admission test and a final test.
Phraseological relationships, present in every natural language, are needed for efficient communication in foreign languages. The proposed courses fill a niche among glottodidactic materials in the field of phraseology in Romance languages.
Who uses the project results?
Phrase-didactic courses in French, Spanish and Italian created as part of the project will be available on the platform. Students of philology who learn Romance languages will certainly benefit from the courses.