Socio-Economic University in Gdańsk as a friendly academic center
Project title
Socio-Economic University in Gdańsk as a friendly academic center
Name of Beneficiary/Beneficiaries
Socio-Economic University in Gdańsk
Name of programme
Operational Program “Knowledge, Education, Development” – “III. Higher education for the economy and development” – “3.5. Comprehensive tertiary education programs”
Project value
PLN 3,690,008.54
Funding value
PLN 3,579,308.28
Project delivery period
01.10.2021 – 29.12.2023
Results of our work
Issues addressed
The university operates in two cities: Gdańsk (headquarters) and Ostrołęka. The problem related to access to the university’s premises for students with disabilities was diagnosed in the architectural, information/communication and digital contexts.
In the architectural area, first of all, there was a lack of toilets and elevators for persons with disabilities in Ostrołęka. The main entrance in Gdańsk was a big obstacle. Another problem was the lack of equipment supporting movement around buildings and an integrated IT system. There were also problems with navigating around premises and with poor awareness of solutions that could facilitate the learning. Additionally, a low level of knowledge about issues of accessibility was diagnosed among university employees: teaching, administrative and management staff.
Thanks to the introduction of a comprehensive program to increase accessibility at the university – in cooperation with external experts, non-governmental organizations and an internal team including the Rector’s Plenipotentiary for Accessibility – we have successfully solved problems within the “MIDI” path. There is a clear need to continue work in subsequent editions of the “Accessible University”, primarily by ensuring dynamic development of the university, establishing a new branch and finding additional headquarters.
Project beneficiaries
The direct beneficiaries are students with disabilities and, in a broader context, all persons with special needs in both branches of the university. University employees have improved their knowledge and competences, and all university stakeholders, including candidates for students and employees, obtained an accessible package of information about the university, communication and the entire teaching cycle. A number of procedures have been established for the needs of the university, in accordance with the “MIDI” path (as part of the “Accessible University” competition).
Major implementation challenges
The biggest challenge was preparing employees and raising awareness of the real training need.