Summary of CALL 2024
Almost PLN 67 million from the Swiss Funds for researchers and entrepreneurs.
In December last year, we presented a list of projects recommended for funding in CALL 2024 for Research and Innovation Programme, Applied Research under the Swiss-Polish Cooperation Programme. The call ran from 22 April to 1 July 2024, the planned amount of funding for the 16 winning projects is PLN 66,977,141.31.
There were 99 project proposals submitted for joint projects between researchers and entrepreneurs who wish to receive funding from the Swiss Funds to conduct applied research. For the peer review assessment, we forwarded 97 applications that met the formal assessment criteria. The applications were assessed by experts from 28 countries excluding Poland and Switzerland. Based on the expert assessment, we prepared a preliminary ranking list, which was then approved by the Selection Committee. The final decision was made by the Steering Committee, which approved the list of 16 applications recommended for funding.
The call for proposals was not thematically restricted, but the research had to relate exclusively to civilian applications. Engineering and technology proved to be the most popular areas for co-operation, with as many as 77 projects submitted in this area. Agricultural sciences were at the other pole, as only 1 application was submitted. This trend is also evident in the top 16 proposals - as many as 14 of them are in engineering and technology, 2 are in medical and health sciences.
The CALL 2024 rules allowed consortia consisting of at least one Polish and one Swiss entity, one of which had to be a company, to participate in the call. Among all submitted projects, 13 project consortia consisted exclusively of companies (Polish and Swiss). On the other hand, among the highest rated proposals there is no consortium consisting exclusively of companies, all consortia assume the participation of research organisations cooperating with entrepreneurs.
The call in figures
The 97 proposals submitted involved 285 consortia, of which 159 were Polish entities, including 79 research organisations, and 121 Swiss entities, including 72 Swiss research organisations. In the 16 highest rated projects, consortia consist of 29 Polish entities, 17 research organisations and 12 entrepreneurs, and 21 Swiss entities, 15 research organisations and 6 entrepreneurs. The majority of consortium members from the business sector are micro and small enterprises, which is in line with the programme's objectives.
Most project proposals were submitted by consortia of 2-3 entities. The ‘record-holder’, however, was a consortium of seven entities. Among the 16 projects recommended for funding, smaller consortia also dominate: only one consortium consists of 5 entities, the others have 2, 3 or 4 members.
In line with the call rules, project consortia could also include entities from third countries - other than Poland and Switzerland. The condition was that they provide self-financing for the activities planned in the project. Ultimately, none of the applications with third-country participants made it onto the list of projects recommended for funding.
Meeting the programme objectives
The objective of Research and Innovation Programme, Applied Research under the Swiss-Polish Cooperation Programme is to increase competitiveness in the field of applied research, which is manifested, among other things, in the practical application of research results through commercialisation or other practical implementation. Many applicants have been ambitious in their approach. Most projects aim to achieve a high final level of technological readiness. Consortia also plan to produce innovative solutions and cover them with intellectual property protection.
Another objective of the programme is to support women and young scientists in international research projects. All projects recommended for funding involve the support of female researchers from both Poland and Switzerland. The projects recommended for funding also include relationships to support the careers of young scientists under the guidance of experienced mentors.
The stage of preparing and signing agreements between NCBR and the winning consortia is currently underway. We believe that all the intended objectives will be achieved, and we will report on the successes of the beneficiaries as the projects progress.
All those interested in cooperation with Switzerland in the field of applied research are encouraged to follow our website and newsletter. At the end of January 2025, we will provide more details on the second call for proposals – CALL 2025 in Research and Innovation Programme, Applied Research under the Swiss-Polish Cooperation Programme.