University for all
University for all. New technologies in the hands of seniors
Project title
The Third Age Technologically
Name of Beneficiary/Beneficiaries
West Pomeranian University of Technology in Szczecin
Name of programme
Operational Programme Knowledge Education Development
The Third Mission of Universities
Project value
PLN 1,671,480.00
Funding value
PLN 1,619,080.00
Project delivery period
01 January 2019 - 18 December 2021
Meet our team
View the results of our work
What problem is addressed by the project?
The elderly are often active people, they want to expend their competencies and knowledge of the rapidly changing world. The problem is that it is difficult for them to find the right proposal. Thanks to our project, the elderly not only can “keep up with” the changing world, but also to have their finger on the pulse of the present times.
The idea came to us. Our university has been implementing various educational and promotional projects not only for students for years. One of them was the Children’s University operating since 2009. It turned out that the youngest are very often brought to classes by their… grandparents. A question arose: why not to design classes for seniors? We soon found out that the stereotypes about the elderly are false – these people are not couch potatoes watching television, but active individuals who are curious and seek knowledge, showing keen interest in the classes conducted by our experts.
We are engaging seniors in a project aimed at promoting and disseminating technical sciences and life sciences, scientific achievements and research and their application in social life. The staff of the West Pomeranian University of Technology (ZUT), initiating collaboration with the Universities of the Third Age operating in the region, prepared a versatile and very interesting package of educational and cultural activities. Each of the participants can choose between 6 and 12 thematic modules (from chemistry, to biotechnology, to economics and information technology), taught to groups of students by the staff of 10 faculties. The classes refer, i.a., to the application of new technologies in everyday life, the presentation of exact sciences and other fields, such as electronics, information technology and mechanics.
The project participants have a unique opportunity to work in well-equipped laboratories which are usually available only to the students and lecturers of ZUT. The programme energises elderly people and has a practical impact on the development of their competence in today's rapidly changing world.
“The Third age Technologically” was ranked among the best projects out of over two hundred project submitted to NCBR. Thanks to EU funding, as part of the Knowledge Education Development Operational Programme, we can provide to seniors a series of classes on various fields of study, from the media and the technological aspects of data transfer, through cybersecurity, to projects related strictly to engineering, or projects related to mechatronics and renewable energy.
Our lecturers point out that the participants of the Third Age Technologically often show more dedication and are more active than regular students, who should learn from seniors how to effectively cooperate with the teacher!
Who uses the project results?
Within the period of 36 months (2019-2021) over 1000 seniors, aged 60 or more, are due to take part in the project. The West Pomeranian University of Technology in Szczecin helps this group lead active lives, in line with the common truth that people can, and currently must, learn continuously.
What was the greatest challenge during project implementation?
The greatest challenge during project implementation was the need to appropriately adapt the form of classes to our target group of seniors. The teachers applied proper methods of transferring knowledge of even the most complex issues which are actually used in everyday life, of which we are often not aware.
Our advice for other applicants
Our advice is most of all not to be afraid to apply for the funding of projects which go beyond the statutory activities of universities. Conducting programmes for seniors is not only an interesting experience for both parties, but also provides an opportunity to prepare valuable classes. On their basis, we are able to invite to our university anyone wishing to expand knowledge of various topics related to, for example, short-term food storage in household refrigerators, electrical power in households, prebiotics and probiotics in human nutrition or modern technologies in the automotive industry.