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POWER Program Logo
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WSB w Toruniu (WSB University in Toruń) - higher education institution friendly to persons with disabilities


square with tentacles  Project title

WSB w Toruniu (WSB University in Toruń) - higher education institution friendly to persons with disabilities

outline of the upper man silhouette  Name of Beneficiary/Beneficiaries

Wyższa Szkoła Bankowa w Toruniu (WSB University in Toruń)

briefcase icon  Name of programme

Operational Programme Knowledge Education Development

newspaper icon  Competition


two heaps of coins icon  Project value

PLN 974 537.87 

hand icon with two circles above it  Funding value

PLN 945 297.86 

clock icon  Project delivery period

From 01/03/2020 until 29/05/2022

Get to know our team

Centre for Project Management at the WSB University in Toruń (Director Barbara Kaniowska; Specialists: Marta Napiórska, Magdalena Plucińska, Jolanta Wojciechowska):

Barbara Kaniowska


Marta Napiórska


Magdalena Plucińska


Jolanta Wojciechowska


Have a look at the outcome of our work

Braille labelling of the office door


Library equipment


Library equipment


Evacuation chair



What problem does our project solve?

The inclusion of the WSB University in Toruń in the project made it possible to eliminate accessibility barriers for persons with disabilities, adapt separate areas to the needs of persons with disabilities and create a comprehensive higher education institution accessible to persons with all kinds of disabilities.

As a part of the project, a wheelchair lift was installed at the entrance to the Higher Education Institution; evacuation chairs were purchased; multimedia magnification monitors were installed in teaching rooms; and sensitive areas were covered with non-slip contrast tape. All classrooms and offices were labelled with signs in Braille, and the lecture halls were equipped with tables for wheelchair users.

The project also solved the problem of faculty libraries in Toruń and Bydgoszcz struggling with insufficient adaptation of reading rooms for persons with disabilities. Thanks to the funding, students and lecturers with disabilities using both Libraries have computers with specially adapted equipment, Braille rulers, magnifying scanners, Da Vinci desktop scanners, as well as appropriately profiled chairs and adjustable desks.

Who will benefit from the outcomes of the project?

By improving the accessibility of the higher education institution, the project will increase opportunities for people with various disabilities to use the resources of the higher education institution. Numerous amenities will make it easier for students with disabilities to go through the educational process, easier for lecturers to conduct classes and easier for disabled applicants to find their way within the walls of the higher education institution. Thus, the results of the project will benefit not only the Higher Education Institution itself, but above all persons with disabilities who wish to associate their immediate educational future with the WSB University in Toruń.

What was the most challenging aspect of the implementation of the project for us?

Certainly the greatest challenge for us was the installation of a lift in front of the building entrance. As the building was originally intended for industrial use, adapting it to the needs of persons with disabilities was a major undertaking. But we can see that it was worth it!

Our advice to other Applicants

When planning your projects, bear in mind persons with disabilities. Even the smallest improvements will make their world more friendly and comfortable.
