20.10.202310th edition of Polske Filmdager - anniversary gala14 October, Anniversary Gala on the occasion of the 10th edition of the Polish Film Days (POLSKE FILMDAGER) took place in the foyer of Fredrikstad kino.
19.10.2023Dagadana's concert in Oslo as a part of OSLO WORLD FESTIVALThe Embassy of the Republic of Poland in Oslo, Oslo World Festival and Cosmopolite Scene in Oslo would like to kindly invite you to a concert of the Polish-Ukrainian band DAGADANA. The concert - as a part of OSLO WORLD FESTIVAL - will take place at the Cosmpolite Scene Oslo on November 4 at 21:00 (doors open from 20:00).
10.09.2023Article of Andrzej DUDA President of the Republic of Poland "The story of the Ulmas’ martyrdom should be known worldwide"On the occasion of the beatification of the Ulma family, who hid Polish Jews during World War II and were murdered by the German occupiers as punishment, please find below article of Andrzej Duda - President of the Republic of Poland entitled:"The story of the Ulmas’ martyrdom should be known worldwide" The article is published in cooperation with the Polish monthly ‘Wszystko co najważniejsze’ as part of a historical project run jointly with the Institute of National Remembrance and the Polish National Foundation.
05.09.20235th edition of Contemporary Polish Arts & Culture Festival We DoOn August 30 - September 3, 2023, the 5th edition of the We Do Festival of Contemporary Polish Culture & Art took place in Oslo. The festival is traditionally organized in cooperation with the Polish Embassy in Oslo.
01.09.202384 år siden utbruddet av andre verdenskrigPå årsdagen av utbruddet, 1. september 2023, har representanter for Republikken Polens Ambassade: chargé d’affaires Magda Modrzyńska, attaché oberst Waldemar Torbicki og Polens Konsul Agnieszka Kucińska-Spyrka lagt ned kransen på polske flygerne- og Cichociemnis grav for å markere polske soldater som mistet livet under 2. verdenskrigen.
28.08.2023Inauguration of the 10th edition of POLSKE FILMDAGER - International Etnoscene FOLKLOVE26-27 of August on the Røed Gård in Jeløy International Etnoscene #FOLKLOVE has inaugurated 10th edition of POLSKE FILMDAGER Festival.
16.08.2023De væpnede styrkers dag15. august 2023 i anledning de polske væpnede styrkers dag, ved den polske flygerne- og Cichociemnis graven, har vi markert soldatene som falt under Slaget ved Warszawa i 1920.
07.08.2023Helligdag 15. augustRepublikken Polens Ambassaden holder stengt 15. august 2023.
02.08.202379 år siden Warszawaoppstanden1. august 1944 startet oppstanden - opprøret blant polske patrioter mot den tyske okkupanten. Oppstanden i Warszawa var fylt med den heroiske kampen til de ensomme som sto sammen mot den tyske hæren. Rundt 50 000 opprørere ble med i kampen i Polens hovedstad. Selv om opprøret ble planlagt bare for noen få dager, varte det i over to måneder.
29.06.2023Polish artists on the Rose Castle Festival 202325th of June, artists from Romania, Poland and Ukraine performed during the last day of the Roseslottet Cultural Festival 2023. Poland was represented by the Polish-Norwegian vocal ensemble Sang Over Grenser/Śpiewanie bez Granic and Natalia Samborska.