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National Centre for Research and Development will manage the research programme under Polish-Swiss cooperation


National Centre for Research and Development will manage the research programme under Polish-Swiss cooperation

Last Friday, Deputy Minister Małgorzata Jarosińska-Jedynak signed an agreement with the Swiss Ambassador to Poland Fabrice Filliez as part of the second edition of the Swiss-Polish Cooperation Programme. This will enable the launch of the Research and Innovation Programme. Operators from Poland and Switzerland will be responsible for its implementation. The National Centre for Research and Development will manage the applied research area in cooperation with Innosuisse – Swiss Innovation Agency. The component related to basic research will be managed by the Swiss National Science Foundation, which will operate in partnership with the National Science Centre (NCN).

The Research and Innovation Programme aims to improve the quality of applied research in Poland by strengthening scientific and research cooperation between Poland and Switzerland. It will support Polish-Swiss consortia in the implementation of R&D projects. The programme will also include a part on the internationalisation of basic research, in which multilateral cooperation is envisaged. The planned international call will be open to entities from Poland, Bulgaria, Croatia, Romania and Hungary, which will form partnerships with Swiss entities. Currently, the Polish and Swiss parties are working together on the details of the Research and Innovation Programme. The announcement of the multilateral call in the basic research part of the Programme is planned for the fourth quarter of 2023, while the first of the two calls in the applied research part is planned for the second quarter of 2024.
