Bilateral Cooperation
Bilateral cooperation serves the implementation of NCBR mission in terms of supporting Polish research units and enterprises in developing their abilities to create and apply solutions based on the results of scientific research, in order to give an impetus to the development of the economy and for the benefit of society. It also contributes to strengthening the position of Polish research units in the world and European research area, as well as in international projects carried out jointly with foreign researchers.
When initiating and concluding bilateral cooperation agreements with foreign partners, NCBR takes into account the following factors:
- priority thematic areas,
- economic benefits,
- geographical proximity,
- best experiences from international cooperation of Polish scientists,
- cultural relations as well as historical relations at state and research unit level.
Agreements with active calls for proposals
Berlin and Brandenburg
Cooperation on the German side dedicated to applicants only from these two federal states. With all four calls for proposals devoted to photonics issues, this specialist cooperation began in 2013 with the signing of an agreement between NCBR and the Department for Economy, Technology and Research of the Berlin Senate (current name: Department of Economy, Energy and Enterprise of the Berlin Senate), which was then joined in 2016 by the Ministry of Economy and Energy of Brandenburg.
All these three funding institutions have effectively been joining forces to support bilateral cooperation in research, development and innovation between Poland and the federal states of Berlin and Brandenburg, with a particular focus on developing cooperation between research institutions and SMEs.
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Senat of Berlin
Ministry of Economy and Energy of Brandenburg
On 21 June 2016 a Letter of Intent on cooperation in the field of research and development was signed between the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Poland (currently: Ministry of Science and Education) and the Ministry of Science and Technology of the People's Republic of China (MOST). The agreement provides for the organisation of bilateral calls for proposals for research projects in priority areas of mutual interest. NCBR is the Polish institution designated to coordinate the calls.
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Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST) - China
Cooperation between NCBR and Germany is carried out on the basis of a task commissioned by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education (currently: the Ministry of Education and Science). At the national level, NCBR cooperates with the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), as well as with German executive agencies, i.e. Project Management Agency (DLR) or Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT).
The first two calls for proposals were devoted to issues related to sustainable development, health, climate change and the ageing of the European society. The signing of the declaration of will in 2016 and the announcement of the third call initiated the next stage of cooperation - in the area of Digitization of Economy. Its main goal is to support technology transfer to SMEs and start-ups in selected areas of the economy.
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Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)
Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt (DRL)
Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT)
In 2010, NCBR and Israel Industry Center for R&D (MATIMOP/ISERD) decided to cooperate to support entities from Poland and Israel in the implementation of joint industrial research and development works. At the beginning of February 2016, the Agreement on cooperation in the field of industrial research and development between the Governments of the Republic of Poland and Israel entered into force. Since then calls for proposals have been organised in accordance with terms agreed jointly by both institutions.
Polish-Israeli calls are focused on projects aimed at developing innovative products and technological solutions with realistic prospects for commercial applications.
All projects implemented as part of Polish-Israeli cooperation receive the status of EUREKA projects.
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Israel Innovation
In 2011, NCBR and Fonds National de la Recherche Luxembourg (FNR) decided to cooperate in order to support entities from Poland and Luxembourg in the implementation of joint industrial research and development works. In January 2017 an agreement for cooperation for the next 5 years was concluded between both parties, with the possibility of another extension. The thematic area of cooperation concerns innovation in services.
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Fonds National de la Recherche Luxembourg (FNR)
South Africa
NCBR has been cooperating with the Republic of South Africa since 2014 when the Memorandum of Understanding was signed between NCBR and the National Research Foundation (NRF). April 2018 saw an indefinite annexation of the agreement under which NCBR and NRF undertook to support R&D activities and other forms of scientific and technical cooperation between Polish and South African universities and research institutions. Both parties agreed that bilateral cooperation will focus on the following areas: medical sciences, agriculture, life sciences and biotechnology, environment and climate change, water and green technologies, maritime economy, clean coal technologies, information and communication technologies (ICT).
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National Research Foundation (NRF)
South Korea
The official signing of an agreement between the NCBR and KETEP – Korea Institute of Energy Technology Evaluation and Planning was held on 28 October 2022. By signing the document, both government institutions confirmed their will to take up bilateral cooperation. Under the agreement, NCBR and KETEP aim to prepare and announce joint contests for research and development projects. The multilateral activities in the scope of cooperation to be started by the agencies aim to bring measurable technological and economic benefits in the scope of energy technologies.
Korea Institute of Energy Technology Evaluation and Planning (KETEP) is a government body, which focuses, among others, on the assessment and the management of the development of energy technologies.
Its primary areas of activity include, among others:
- the analysis and predicting trends in the energy technology,
- dissemination and supervision over information,
- support, assessment and assistance in the development of technological plans for companies,
- execution of policy in the scope of carrying out research related to energy technologies on the national and international scale.
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Korea Institute of Energy Technology Evaluation and Planning (KETEP)
NCBR has been cooperating with the Taiwanese Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST - Ministry of Science and Technology) under the agreement of 7 December 2012 which was concluded for a period of 5 years with the National Science Council of Taiwan (institution later transformed into MOST on 3 February 2014). The agreement was automatically extended in December 2017 for another 5 years. This agreement covers support and promotion of bilateral scientific and research cooperation. In accordance with the cooperation agreement, NCBR and MOST also organise annual scientific seminars, held alternately in Poland and Taiwan.
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Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST) - Taiwan
22 August 2014 saw the conclusion of an agreement between NCBR and the Council for Scientific and Technological Research of Turkey (TÜBİTAK) on Polish-Turkish cooperation in the field of scientific research and development work of both countries on the basis of equality and mutual benefit. As part of the cooperation, the governmental executive agencies of NCBR and TÜBİTAK support the joint creation of innovative technological and social solutions for the development of national economies by initiating and implementing bilateral calls for proposals for R&D projects in the areas of mutual interest: food, energy, health and ICT.
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For previous years calls and activities visit our archived website:
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Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TÜBİTAK)
The most recent of NCBR’s bilateral agreements was signed with the National Research Fund of Ukraine in January 2021. The main assumptions of the agreement are, among others, organisation of joint bilateral calls for proposals, exchange of knowledge and best practices, and promotion of the participation of Polish and Ukrainian experts in the application evaluation processes in calls for proposals of both institutions.
The National Research Fund of Ukraine (NRFU) is a state government agency whose main goal is to support the implementation of basic research and development work in priority areas of science and technology. NRFU was established by the Ukrainian Council of Ministers at the beginning of 2018 is NCBR’s counterpart in Ukraine.
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National Research Foundation of Ukraine (NRFU)
Agreements terminated or with inactive calls for proposals
March 2016 saw a cooperation agreement signed between NCBR and the Brazilian agency Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico - The National Council of Technological and Scientific Development (CNPq). The agreement was signed for 5 years. The aim of the agreement was to develop cooperation in the field of research, technology and innovation. No calls for proposals for joint Polish-Brazilian R&D projects have since been announced as part of cooperation with CNPq.
External links:
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Czech Republic
On 8 November 2012 an agreement was signed between NCBR and the Agency of Technology of the Czech Republic (TACR) in the field of information exchange and scientific and technological cooperation. The main goal of this cooperation is to support and promote R&D activities, in particular joint projects carried out with the participation of research teams from Poland and the Czech Republic. The cooperation covers areas such as: nanotechnology, information and communication technologies, biotechnology and pharmaceuticals, agricultural and food production technologies, embedded systems, gnomic medicine, digital data archives, energy resources and energy technologies, sustainable transport development, environmental protection, mining industry. No call for proposals for joint Polish-Czech R&D projects has yet been announced as part of the cooperation.
External links:
Technology Agency of the Czech Republic (TACR)
A cooperation agreement was signed between NCBR and the Japan Coal Energy Center (JCOAL) on 3 October 2013 in the field of coal energy. The purpose of the agreement was to support joint activities in the field of innovation development and R&D works aimed at the development of technologies related to conventional energy (including carbon dioxide capture and storage, the use of advanced materials for energy purposes, highly efficient next-generation energy production as well as acquisition of liquid fuels and synthetic natural gas from coal). The said agreement expired in 2018. On 29 April 2019 both parties signed a new Agreement on Cooperation whose purpose is to support joint activities in the field of innovation development and R&D works aimed at the development of technologies related to conventional energy and renewable energy sources, by financing joint Polish-Japanese projects. As part of the cooperation, the 1st call for proposals of joint R&D projects was announced.
For previous years calls and activities visit our archived website:
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Japan Coal Energy Centre (JCOAL)
An agreement on cooperation between NCBR and the Singaporean Agency for Science, Research and Technology A * STAR was signed on 31 October 2013 and in force in force from 23 February 2014 until 23 February 2017. Another agreement was signed during the visit of the President of Singapore to Poland on 21-23 May 2017 which extended the cooperation between NCBR and A * STAR for another three years. A further extension has not yet been signed.
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