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Other Initiatives

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NCBR-NAP: NCBR-Nevada Acceleration Program



Nine best start-ups representing key industries for Poland and Nevada participated in a week-long acceleration program in June 2023 in Reno and Las Vegas with the opportunity to fulfill their American dream and start operations in the State of Nevada. Of these nine, one company has already opened its office in Nevada and two more should follow suit before the end of 2023. It will be a great success of this year's edition of NCBR-NAP and its laureates.

Detailed information and necessary documentation regarding the 2023 edition can be found below. The recruitment for 2024 is planned to open and close already in Q4 2023. We therefore encourage you to follow the NCBR website and social media which will feature the necessary information about the new edition of NCBR-NAP.


2023 edition

Solidarity with scientists


Solidarity with scientists” programme is implemented under the cooperation between the National Center for Research and Development (NCBR) and the National Agency for Academic Exchange (NAWA). It is an initiative supporting research projects involving scientists from Belarus. The competition for research projects with the participation of Belarusian scientists is another activity supporting the Belarusian academic community as part of the government initiative “Solidarity with Belarus.”

Within this call, NCBR has organize two calls for proposals, financing 19 projects for a total amount of 4,60 million PLN.

Due to the specifics of the competition, the submitted applications had to relate to one of the selected disciplines: natural, engineering and technical, medical and health sciences, agricultural, social and humanities. In order to encourage Polish and Belarusian scientists to cooperate, no additional thematic restrictions were introduced.

 In the near future, there are no plans concerning launching next call in this scheme.


Details about the competition can be found on the website



INNOGLOBO is an open international programme that complements the offer of the NCBR as part of the international cooperation. Polish innovators are able to choose a foreign project partner, the subject of the project and also implement projects with different budgets. The aim of the INNOGLOBO programme is to support Polish entities in their expansion into foreign markets in the field of developing, adapting or implementing modern technological solutions in a broad geographical context.

Under this programme, it is possible to start financing projects carried out by international consortia, in which Polish entities have no restrictions in selecting partners from abroad. Foreign partners can come from all countries with which Poland maintains diplomatic ties.

INNOGLOBO programme is also enable financing of projects related to various thematic areas, including uncommon subjects, as the only requirement for applications submitted in the call is the thematic scope of the project shall fit into the current list of National Smart Specialization.

Each foreign partner of the international consortia has to declare sufficient funds for the implementation of its part of the project. Sources of this contribution could be foreign partner's own funds, external funds such as bank credit, loan or co-financing from a foreign R&D financing unit.

There were four calls launched in the INNOGLOBO programme:

  • 1st call (1 July 2021 - 30 November 2021) – more details on the website
  • 2nd call (1 March 2022 - 30 September 2022) – more details on the website
  • 3rd call (31 March 2023 - 30 September 2023) – more details on the website
  • 4th call of the INNOGLOBO programme was launched on 2 April 2024 and the application deadline is 30 September 2024 – more details on the website
We cordially invite to watch the INNOGLOBO film available on YouTube (the English subtitles can be switched on in the settings of the YT film).


