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The Development Cooperation Plan for 2024 approved


The Minister of Foreign Affairs, Radosław Sikorski, after a positive opinion on the project by the members of the Development Cooperation Policy Council, approved the Development Cooperation Plan for 2024.

Development Cooperation Plan 2024

The Development Cooperation Plan 2024 implements the assumptions of the Multiannual Development Cooperation Programme for 2021-2030 – Solidarity for Development and was drafted in accordance with the Development Cooperation Act of 16 September 2011. With the priorities of the Polish Government’s foreign policy in mind, the Plan specifies the directions, targets and types of activities and the financial resources dedicated to partner countries through bilateral and multilateral channels.

Poland views development cooperation as a manifestation of its partnership with developing nations. There will be continued support in 2024 for 3 Eastern Partnership countries - Ukraine, Georgia, Moldova and the Belarusian society, as well as for 6 countries from Africa and the Middle East, i.e. Palestine, Lebanon, Ethiopia, Kenya, Senegal and Tanzania. The primary focus of Poland's assistance efforts will be aiding Ukrainian institutions and society.
