Rząd przedłuża obostrzenia w walce z koronawirusem
Rząd zdecydował o przedłużeniu obostrzeń dotyczących walki z koronawirusem. Przynajmniej do 19 kwietnia br. nie będzie można korzystać z usług m.in. galerii handlowych, kin i teatrów. Do 26 kwietnia br. zamknięte będą m.in. szkoły i przedszkola, a matury i inne egzaminy odbędą się w późniejszym terminie. Do 3 maja br. obowiązywać będzie kontrola graniczna, podczas której będzie prowadzona kontrola sanitarna. Od przyszłego czwartku (16 kwietnia br.) wprowadzony zostanie obowiązek zakrywania ust i nosa w przestrzeni publicznej. Premier Mateusz Morawiecki, a także minister zdrowia Łukasz Szumowski zalecili, aby zbliżające się święta Wielkiej Nocy spędzić jedynie w wąskim gronie rodzinnym.
Dotychczas wprowadzone ograniczenia nadal będą obowiązywać
Wybrane ograniczenia przedłużone do 26 kwietnia, przełożone matury i inne egzaminy
Nadal zamknięte będą granice
Wprowadzony zostanie obowiązek zasłaniania ust i nosa
The Government extends Covid-19 restrictions
The Government has decided to extend the restrictions imposed in the fight against the coronavirus. Shopping centres, cinemas and theatres will remain closed at least until 19 April 2020. Schools and preschools will also remain closed until 26 April 2020, with matura exams and other exams being held at a later date. Until 3 May 2020, border checks will be carried out, including health checks. From next Thursday (16 April 2020), everyone will be obliged to cover their mouth and nose in public spaces. Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki and Minister of Health Łukasz Szumowski recommended spending the upcoming Easter only with closest family.
At a press conference held on Thursday (9 April), the Prime Minister said that the current measures to fight the coronavirus are working. “We are aware that the quarantine is burdensome for everyone. Analyses confirm that, if we had not imposed these obligations and restrictions, we would be in a completely different place today. There would not be 5,500 infected, but 40,000, or even more,” assessed Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki.
The current restrictions remain in force
Leaving home should be limited to an absolute minimum until 19 April 2020. People should keep at least 2-metre distance from each other. Children and adolescents below the age of 18 are still not allowed to leave the house without supervision. Restrictions on the functioning of restaurants, shopping centres, cinemas, theatres, beauty parlours and service points, among others, remain in force until 19 April 2020. The limited number of people in shops and churches is maintained.
Certain restrictions are extended until 26 April; matura exams and other exams have been postponed
Schools, universities, preschools and nursery schools will remain closed until 26 April 2020. Passenger air traffic and international railway traffic will be reduced. The ban on mass gatherings and events will remain in force until further notice. The Government has also decided to postpone the primary school final exams and matura exams – the new exam dates will be announced at least three weeks in advance.
Borders remain closed
All borders will remain closed until 3 May 2020. However, Polish citizens, foreigners who are spouses or children of Polish citizens, and people who have the right of permanent or temporary residence in the Republic of Poland, or who have a work permit, among others, are still permitted to cross the Polish border. Border health checks will still be carried out, and anyone returning to the country will be put in a 14-day quarantine.
A new obligation to cover your mouth and nose
As of Thursday (16 April 2020), it will be obligatory to cover mouths and noses in public spaces. Everyone will have to wear a mask (e.g. handmade), scarf or bandana on their face. This obligation applies to everyone in the streets, public offices, shops or service points and workplaces.