Nowe obostrzenia w związku z epidemią koronawirusa
Mniej osób w sklepie, ograniczenia w poruszaniu się nieletnich, zamknięte parki i bulwary – to tylko niektóre z nowych obostrzeń, jakie wprowadza rząd w związku z epidemią koronawirusa. O decyzjach podjętych na wtorkowym (31 marca br.) posiedzeniu Rządowego Zespołu Zarządzania Kryzysowego poinformowali na konferencji prasowej premier Mateusz Morawiecki oraz minister zdrowia Łukasz Szumowski.
Nowe zasady dotyczące robienia zakupów
Zmiany w zasadach kwarantanny
Zamknięte parki i bulwary
Zmiany w miejscach pracy
New restrictions due to the COVID-19 outbreak
Fewer customers in shops, limitations on the movement of minors, closed parks and boulevards – these are just a few examples of new restrictions implemented by the government due to the COVID-19 outbreak. The decisions made during a meeting of the Governmental Crisis Management Team on Tuesday (31 March 2020) were communicated at a press conference by Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki and Minister of Health Łukasz Szumowski.
From 1 April 2020 until further notice, every individual under 18 years of age may go outside only when accompanied by an adult, while parks, boulevards and beaches will be closed. Any violation of these prohibitions may result in fines from PLN 5,000 up to PLN 30,000. In addition, new rules on shopping are introduced in traditional stores, while hairdressing, beauty and tattoo parlours have to cease their businesses.
“We are facing stark choices. In the coming months, the situation will be either drastically worse, or will be more difficult, but still possible to control, to implement appropriate regulations, healthcare procedures, isolation and quarantine rules,” said Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki during the press conference. “We must do everything to avoid the worst-case scenario. We cannot afford to lose focus. Taking into account the analyses and research, we have adopted decisions on further restrictions,” stated the Prime Minister.
“If we reduce contact between people, we can slow down the development of the epidemic. This is why we have adopted the restrictions described by the Prime Minister,” said Minister of Health Łukasz Szumowski at the press conference. “The currently applicable fine from PLN 5,000 to PLN 30,000 is disproportional to the risk of making someone ill. Let us be wise and spend the next two weeks in maximum isolation. Then, we will be able to save other people’s lives,” he added.
Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki gave assurances that the services, in particular the police, would enforce compliance with the new restrictions. He also thanked all officers for their effort. “Our uniformed services have risen to the challenges. I would like to express my deepest gratitude for the Border Guard, the Police, the State Fire Service, Voluntary Fire services,” underlined the Prime Minister.
New rules on shopping and other restrictions
According to the new rules, every shop (both small and large) and every service outlet may be entered by no more than 3 people for each cash register. Similar restrictions will be implemented at markets, stalls and bazaars. The number of individuals present at a market cannot exceed three times the number of sales points. In a post office, the maximum number of individuals allowed in at once is twice the number of counters.
On weekends, large-area home improvement stores will be closed, while all shops will have to comply with new, stricter safety rules. As of 2 April, all customers will have to do their shopping in disposable gloves, while between 10 and noon stores and service outlets will be open only for citizens over 65 years of age. At any other time, stores and service outlets will be open for everyone.
Hotels and other short-term rental accommodation will be closed. They can continue to operate only if their residents include individuals in quarantine or isolation, as well as medical staff. However, this does not apply to individuals who are on an off-site business trip and are using the accommodation as part of their professional duties. For such individuals hotels remain open.
All hairdressing, beauty, tattoo and piercing parlours will be closed, with no exceptions. Furthermore, such services may not be provided outside of the parlours. What is also suspended is the provision of physiotherapy and massage treatments, both in public and private facilities. However, this restriction does not apply if physiotherapy is urgently required on account of a patient’s condition.
Changes to quarantine rules
The list of individuals subject to mandatory home quarantine is expanded to include all those who reside with an individual directed to quarantine. These rules will apply starting from 1 April 2020.
Children and adolescents below the age of 18 will not be permitted to leave the house without supervision. Going outside will be justified only if they are accompanied by a parent, a legal guardian or any other adult. However, limitations on the movement of all individuals remain in force.
Closed parks and boulevards
Entering beaches and publicly accessible green areas is also banned until further notice. The ban also concerns parks, lawns, promenades, boulevards, botanical and zoological gardens, etc. The possibility of using city bikes is limited as well.
Pedestrians will have to maintain a distance of at least two metres between themselves. This applies also to family members and relatives. However, this obligation does not concern parents with children requiring supervision (up to 13 years of age), as well as disabled individuals or those unable to move independently and their caregivers.
As regards collective public transport, there is already a rule that the number of passengers should not exceed half the number of seats in a vehicle. This requirement is extended also to vehicles with more than nine seats, including non-public transport – e.g. offering an organised commute to work or private carriers. The limitation enters into force on 2 April 2020 and does not apply to passenger cars.
Changes in the workplace
Employers will have to provide employees with additional safety measures. All individual work stations have to be at least 1.5 metres apart. Employees are also required to use gloves and must have access to disinfectants. Employers have to introduce these safety measures starting from 2 April 2020.
Public institutions will carry out their duties remotely, with the sole exception of cases where remote work does not guarantee the possibility of fulfilling key obligations.