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100 days of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education under the leadership of Minister Dariusz Wieczorek


Today marks 100 days of the current coalition's rule. It is an excellent opportunity to recap what has been done so far by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education. Minister Dariusz Wieczorek spoke about the most important achievements of the Ministry during a press conference. The event was also attended by his deputy ministers: Maria Mrówczyńska, Marek Gzik, Maciej Gdula and Andrzej Szeptycki.

100 days of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education under the leadership of Minister Dariusz Wieczorek

The most important achievements of the Ministry headed by Minister Dariusz Wieczorek

“The ministry in its present composition has been working for 100 days. Expenditure on Polish science has increased by 22% compared to 2023. This required the government's consent which serves as illustration of how it approaches the subject of boosting the potential of Polish science. PLN 7 billion more for the implementation of tasks in this area have been allocated in the following manner: PLN 3.8 billion for raises for university staff, PLN 222 million more for financial assistance for students, PLN 200 million more for the National Science Centre, PLN 180 million more for the Polish Academy of Sciences and PLN 150 million for modernising student halls,” said Minister Dariusz Wieczorek.

100 days – 200 meetings – resuming dialogue with the academic community

100 days for Polish science is primarily about resuming dialogue with the academic community. In this time, representatives of the Ministry held 200 meetings with the leadership of public and private universities, students and the most important research bodies. “Resuming this dialogue is crucial for us. We see how much we need to talk about what to do in Poland for science, research and development. We have introduced new rules. As a minister, I decided not to stay in my office but to travel around Poland. In the first half of the year, I would like to visit all the regions and academia. We have also invited representatives of all student organisations to join in. We held a meeting at the Sejm, which was attended by over 250 young people. If we are to talk about rebuilding Polish science, it must happen in consultation with this community,” said the minister.

PLN 150 million for modernising student halls

The head of the Ministry decided to allocate PLN 150 million for the renovation of student halls. The subsidy is intended for ca. 90 universities. This support will allow for the creation of even better study and housing conditions for Polish students. “I believe that students must have decent social and living conditions,” stressed Minister Dariusz Wieczorek.

The Ministry also allocated PLN 222 million for scholarships for students in 2024. Remuneration of all academic staff also increased by 30%.

PLN 200 million more for the National Science Centre

The Ministry of Science and Higher Education increased the budget of the National Science Centre by an extra PLN 200 million. This is the highest increase in financial outlays for this purpose in 12 years. “We appreciate basic research which takes place in all disciplines of science. This is a key issue when it comes to the development of Polish science. We will support this sector so that Polish scientists can develop in Poland,” said Minister Dariusz Wieczorek.

Polish Academy of Sciences and amendment to the Act on Higher Education

During a press conference, the head of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education also talked about increasing the budget of the Polish Academy of Sciences by PLN 180 million and about starting preparations for the Act on the Polish Academy of Sciences. In the near future, the ministry's work will also focus on amending the Act on Higher Education.
“We have been in office for 100 days. I think that every subsequent 100 days will be beneficial for Polish science, research and development of the entire academic community,” concluded Minister Dariusz Wieczorek.

For more information, please read a general overview of the accomplishments of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education in the first 100 days of the ministry's term in office.

NCBR under the supervision of the Minister of Science

The Ministry of Science and Higher Education took over supervision of the National Centre for Research and Development (NCBR). An appropriate law came into force on 7th  March this year. NCBR is an instrument that is intended to bring together Polish science, Polish industry and entrepreneurs. Strengthening the centre's potential is necessary for the best possible development of both these areas. “From now on, this institution will be transparent and will actually serve Polish science,” says the head of the Ministry.



  1. Bigger salaries in higher education
    • On 15th February 2024, the Minister of Science signed a regulation amending the regulation on the amount of minimum basic monthly salary for professors at public universities (Journal of Laws, item 235), which increased the minimum salary of professors by 30% as of 1st January 2024, from the amount of PLN 7,210 to PLN 9,370, i.e. by PLN 2,160.
    • On 23rd February 2024, the Minister of Science signed a communication on increasing the amount of subsidies for 2024, thus allocating funds for raises for the staff of public universities in the amount of nearly PLN 3.8 billion.
    • On 1st March, the first tranche of funds for raises for university staff was paid out, including compensation for the months of January and February 2024.
  2. National Science Centre
    • Funding, targeted subsidy for the implementation of tasks in 2024 higher by PLN 200 million;
  3. Polish Academy of Sciences
    • Funds in the budget to increase subsidies for institutes of the Polish Academy of Sciences, more by PLN 180 million;
    • Discussions are underway on how to divide these funds between the institutes of the Polish Academy of Sciences.
  4. Modernisation of student halls
    • Transferring funds for investments on social and living infrastructure for students and doctoral students (modernisation of student halls) in the amount of PLN 150 million;
    • Acquiring additional funds for investments in student housing in the amount of PLN 150 million,
    • Launching cooperation with the Ministry of Development and Technology on statutory amendments, allowing public universities to apply to BGK Subsidy Fund for co-financing the construction and renovation of student halls; 10% of the Fund's resources are to be available annually for this purpose;
  5. Financial support for students
    • Funding for financial aid to students, higher by PLN 222 million.


  1. Restoring the supervision of the minister of science and higher education over the National Centre for Research and Development, the executive agency implementing the state's science policy
    • Act of 26th January 2024 amending the Act on the National Centre for Research and Development and the Act - Law on Higher Education and Science (Journal of Laws, item 227) in force as of 7th March 2024.
  2. Winners selected in 1st competition under the "Regional Initiative of Excellence" (RID) programme
    • In December 2023, the Minister of Science Dariusz Wieczorek announced the winners of the first competition under the "Regional Initiative of Excellence" (RID) programme. Following the competition, the Minister allocated funds for the implementation of 30 Plans with the aim of increasing the quality of scientific work and the quality of education in a group of scientific or artistic disciplines of particular importance for the region. The amount of subsidy under the first edition of the RID programme for 2024-2027 will equal PLN 271,697,432.74 in total.
  3. Evaluation of applications submitted under Measure A2.1.4 of the National Reconstruction Plan is ongoing
    • As the full amount of subsidy for investments in research infrastructure of projects from the Polish Map of Research Infrastructure and projects implemented by entities operating within the Łukasiewicz Research Network, has not been used up, the Ministry of Science and Higher Education requested that OPI PIB hold a second recruitment. This will provide an opportunity to fully use the planned amount of PLN 1,680.34 million for modern research infrastructure, which will ensure the ability to conduct research, especially in key areas of health, digitalisation, food safety, resistance to climate change, green economy, smart mobility. The results will be announced on 10th May this year.


  1. Launch of the People of Science 2.0 Portal on 27th February 2024
    • The portal serves to popularise the achievements and profiles of Polish scientists, provide administrative facilities for scientists (such as auto-filling of scientific achievements for grant applications), increase the transparency of science (including notifications for scientists about recruitment and elections in the community, about opportunities to obtain funds, etc.); every citizen will be able to find leading representatives of Polish science. The new portal is also one of the first nationwide CRIS (Current Research Information System) systems in Europe.
  2. Establishing a new department at the Ministry of Science and Higher Education, i.e. the Department of Strategic Analyses and Popularisation of Science, as a unit systematically dealing with increasing society's awareness and interest in scientific work, including technological development and scientific discoveries, as well as the implementation of tasks related to popularising science and the results of scientific work, including research results and scientific achievements.


  1. Doctoral studies
    • It was necessary to undertake urgent legislative measures on doctoral studies.
    • The work of the new leadership of the Ministry led to an introduction of amendments in the Act of 16th January 2024 on amending the Act - Provisions introducing the Act - Law on Higher Education and Science (Journal of Laws, item 124) - in the scope of provisions regulating doctoral studies.
    • The original deadline for completing doctoral studies was extended from 31st December 2023 to 31st December 2024 (amendment to Article 279(1) of the Act).
    • The amendment of July 2023 did not contain the necessary (additional) changes to the Act that would ensure uninterrupted completion of doctoral studies by 31st December 2024. Therefore, the necessary amendments to the Act - adopted as quickly as possible - were made only as mentioned above in Act of 16th January 2024. It is also remarked that analyses in the context of extending the scope of amendments began at the Ministry immediately after the adoption of the amendment on 28th July 2023.


  • On 5th January this year, The Minister of Science announced a new list of scientific journals and peer-reviewed materials from international conferences.
  • A new list of scientific journals was drawn up based on a draft of 29th June 2023 made by KEN. Thus, removed were changes regarding scientific journals that were not proposed by KEN in the resolution but were added by the Minister of Education and Science in 2023. The main purpose of the publication of the new list in early 2024 was to ensure that the change would not adversely impact scientists who in 2023 published articles in journals added in 2023 to the list by the Minister of Education and Science. It was also important to terminate manual modification of the content and base it on the opinions of experts.


  1. Commencement of work on the National Internationalisation Strategy
    • On 31st January this year A Team of Experts for the National Internationalisation Strategy was established, whose aim will be to develop the first national strategy for the internationalisation of science and higher education since 2015. The work of the Team will be carried out under the leadership of the National Agency for Academic Exchange and under the auspices of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education.
  2. Talks to begin on changes in migration policy
    • Educating foreigners at Polish universities provides an opportunity to make full use of their potential in the face of a demographic decline in the age group entering the educational market, and to supply the Polish labour market with highly qualified staff of good integration potential.
    • Therefore, on the initiative of the Minister of Science, a meeting with representatives of the Ministry of Interior and Administration, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy was held on 27th February 2024, to discuss problems related to the process of issuing visas to students visiting Poland to study and possible trends in reforming the legalisation of the stay of students and scientists in Poland.
  3. Support for Ukraine
    • Between 5th and 8th February 2024, Deputy Minister Andrzej Szeptycki travelled to Ukraine visiting Kiev, Khmelnitsky, Vinnytsia and Lviv. He met with representatives of the Ukrainian Ministry of Education and Science, local administration and universities. The talks focused on current Polish support for Ukraine and possible new forms of assistance. The Ministry of Science and Higher Education continues to finance the project "Polish-Ukrainian cooperation of institutions representing rectors to improve the operation of universities", the main goal of which is cooperation of Polish and Ukrainian rectors in the field of management in higher education institutions, based on own experiences of both countries and on international solutions.
    • The Ministry of Science and Higher Education also supports the initiative of the National Synchrotron Radiation Centre SOLARIS of the Jagiellonian University on the construction of research infrastructure at the synchrotron, shared by the Ukrainian and Polish scientific communities. The idea is supported by a consortium of all 16 European synchrotron centres (LEAPS). Some consortium partners have already declared in-kind contributions in the form of components of the future research line, while a search for partners and funding is ongoing. The SOLARIS Centre consolidates the Ukrainian and Polish scientific community in the area of synchrotron research. The selection of the infrastructure to be implemented is the result of extensive consultations with the scientific communities in Poland and Ukraine (over 200 Ukrainian scientists participated in workshops and surveys regarding joint plans).
  4. Encouraging cooperation with Weimar Triangle
    • The will to develop the concept of cooperation with Weimar Scientific Triangle was expressed at a workshop on the policy of developing artificial intelligence "A Sovereign AI Research Policy" on 23rd January this year in Brussels and earlier at “Together for Sustainability” seminar held jointly by the Embassies of France and Germany on 11th January 2023.
  5. Cooperation with the USA within the Polish-American Fulbright Commission
    • The Ministry of Science has been cooperating for many years with the Polish-American Fulbright Commission, whose task is to implement the Fulbright Programme in Poland. It is the United States' largest scientific and cultural exchange programme, conducted in close cooperation with more than 160 countries around the world. 2024 marks the 65th anniversary of the Fulbright Programme in Poland.
    • There are plans to increase funding for the Polish-American Fulbright Commission by PLN 1 million. This is justified by the rising costs of education and maintenance of scholarship holders. In this context, it should be remarked that the Polish contribution was reduced in 2022 and remained unchanged in 2023. The decision of the Minister of Science to increase the contribution was therefore necessary to maintain the competitiveness of the Fulbright Programme in Poland.
  6. Successful end of negotiations with Bulgaria on the 2024-2027 Cooperation Programme
    • The programme is an implementing document to the Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Poland and the Government of the Republic of Bulgaria on cultural and scientific cooperation signed in Warsaw on 25th February 1993. The programme will enable an exchange of academic teachers, lecturers, students, including students of Polish and Bulgarian philology and PhD students.
  7. US accreditation
    • The Ministry of Science and Higher Education, in cooperation with the Polish Accreditation Committee, the Ministry of Health and the Conference of Rectors of Medical Universities (KRAUM), completed an application of the National Committee on Foreign Medical Education and Accreditation - NCFMEA, which was sent to the US Department of Education on 22nd February 2024. Moreover, on 9th February 2024, a Team was established to coordinate the process of obtaining the status of an entity operating in accordance with the standards set by the National Committee on Foreign Medical Education and Accreditation.
  8. Polish Presidency of the EU Council
    • The Ministry of Science and Higher Education, in cooperation with supervised units, in particular NCBiR (National Contact Point) and the Łukasiewicz Research Network, started intensive work on the content of events and meetings planned under the Polish Presidency of the EU Council in the early 2025. As part of the calendar of events related to science and higher education, a number of meetings, sittings and thematic conferences of various importance (expert, official and high-level) have been planned.


  1. Collegium Humanum – Warsaw School of Management
    • Inspection of university bodies’ operation compliance with the provisions of law and with the powers granted at the above-mentioned university according to inspection plan of the Minister of Science for 2024 as well as an analysis and preparation of this inspection.
  2. Educational Research Institute
    • An audit of digitisation of the Educational Research Institute indicated that PLN 40 million was spent to produce limited functionalities of the portal, while most of the work was not completed; as a result the contract with the Institute for another PLN 47,800,000 was terminated.
  3. GovTech Centre
    • Inspection of the organisation and operation of the GovTech Centre.
  4. Łukasiewicz Centre
    • Initiation of an inspection on the organisation and operation of Łukasiewicz Centre.