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Meeting of the head of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education with the United States ambassador to Poland


Minister Dariusz Wieczorek received the United States ambassador to Poland, Marek Brzezinski. The meeting focused on current cooperation in the field of research and higher education, as well as prospects for the development of mutual relations.

Meeting of the head of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education with the United States ambassador

The topics discussed included: bilateral scientific cooperation such as programmes offered by the National Agency for Academic Exchange, strengthening the area of academic exchange and continuing support for students and scientists from Ukraine. During the talks, the possibility of intensifying mutual relations on the basis of the Polish-American agreement on scientific and technical cooperation was also discussed.

Both sides agreed that an important element of deepening mutual relations should be identifying the prospects for commercialisation of research results. During the talks, attention was also drawn to the need to achieve synergy between the scientific and academic community and the business sector. The Polish presidency of the Council of the European Union in early 2025 should also create favourable conditions for the development of cooperation with the United States.

During the meeting, the achievements to date and the potential for scientific cooperation were also highlighted. Both parties declared their willingness to continue the current initiatives, in particular for closer cooperation between the scientific and academic community and business.
