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Head of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education in Wisła: New technologies are a chance for Poland's economic development


The 20th jubilee edition of Medical and Sport Technologies and Young Biomechanics Conference is behind us. The event took place from 17th to 19th May in Wisła. The meeting attracted many scientists, students and representatives of the business world who talked about the opportunities and challenges facing innovative technologies. Also present were Minister Dariusz Wieczorek and deputy ministers Marek Gzik, Maria Mrówczyńska and Andrzej Szeptycki.

Head of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education in Wisła

Development of new technologies for health, safety and improvement of quality of life

The event proved to be excellent for exchanging experiences and mutual inspirations between representatives of the engineering, medical and physical education communities. It was also a unique opportunity to present the latest scientific and technological achievements. It is also a place for establishing creative cooperation between various scientific disciplines.

The conference focused on such themes as: biomedical engineering, bioinformatics, biomechanics, biomechatronics, bioelectronics, biomaterials, engineering support for medicine, medical robots, military technologies, sports and training technologies, as well as dental technologies.

“This conference has been a major event for 20 years. We at the Ministry of Science and Higher Education are pleased that scientists, students and business representatives are participating in this conference. The key issue is the commercialisation of research results, as well as cooperation between universities and business. New technologies are an opportunity for Poland's economic development,” said Minister Dariusz Wieczorek during the event.

“The war at our eastern border demands that the entire scientific community, not only in Poland, but in Europe and around the world, should take a number of measures to introduce new technical solutions so that such conflicts do not occur in the future,” added the head of the Ministry.

The Ministry of Science and Higher Education supports the potential of Polish scientists

Minister Dariusz Wieczorek emphasised the role and importance of the achievements of Polish scientists and students.

“Today, scientists have complete freedom in conducting research and implementing their ideas. We are very much determined to apply the potential of our universities. The key thing is to implement the best ideas. Our role is to create a mechanism so that Polish entrepreneurs can use the database and ideas of Polish scientists,” added the head of the Ministry.

“The government coalition is focusing on science, development and innovation. It is no coincidence that other ministries are looking at us with envy when we tell them that expenditure on Polish science has increased by nearly 23%, this proves that we have taken the right direction,” emphasised Minister Dariusz Wieczorek.

The head of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education encouraged the academic and business communities to promote cooperation for the development of Polish research.
“Businesses, universities, you must cooperate with one another to use EU funds. This will fuel the development of science. We need to promote Polish science abroad, in Europe and around the world.”

A platform for exchanging experiences and for creative discussions

The event gathered many representatives of science and business, as well as students. The rich programme of the meeting included papers, panel sessions and discussions moderated by outstanding scientists.

“This year the conference will host approximately 300 participants. A group of 10 ministers and deputy ministers is a precedent. This event stands for cooperation and talks about the application of biomedical engineering in medicine, sports and defence. For years, this has translated into a number of ideas which are finding their implementations in industry,” said Deputy Minister Marek Gzik.

“We are proud to be creating space for the exchange of knowledge and experiences, supporting further scientific and practical development in these dynamically growing fields. We are counting on inspiring discussions and valuable observations that will contribute to future innovations in medicine and sports,” added the Secretary of State at the Ministry of Science and Higher Education.

Promoting innovative solutions and strengthening academic cooperation

Medical and Sport Technologies and Young Biomechanics Conference is not only an important scientific event, but also a unique opportunity to strengthen cooperation between various disciplines, promote innovative solutions and support the development of young talents in the field of biomechanics and biomedical engineering.

The organiser of the event is the Society for Innovative Technologies for Health.

Areas of operation of the Society for Innovative Technologies for Health (TITDZ)

The operation of the Society for Innovative Technologies for Health focuses primarily on the organisation of conferences, workshops and other events which enable an exchange of experience and knowledge about innovative technologies for health.

TITDZ is open to cooperation with scientists, representatives of the medical sector and business, aiming to improve contemporary solutions which enhance the quality of life of people around the world.

The Society's work also focuses on supporting research and education in the field of innovative health technologies and popularising knowledge in this field among the general public. Thanks to their work, over 50 research institutions can implement ambitious projects, contributing to the progress of science.

The first Young Biomechanists conference took place in 2004. Its originators were: prof. Dagmara Tezjerska Ph.D. engineer, Robert Michnik Ph.D. engineer, prof. PS and Agata Guzik-Kopyto, PhD, engineer and Kamil Lorańczyk.
