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"The Excellence Initiative - Research University" programme


The IDUB programme

"The Excellence Initiative - Research University" (Polish acronym IDUB) programme (Polish acronym IDUB) is one of the key initiatives introduced by the new Act of 20 July 2018, Law on Higher Education and Science, the aim of which is a comprehensive reform of the Polish higher education and science.

The aim of the IDUB programme is to encourage the best Polish universities to be on a par with the leading European universities in the field of research, thereby increasing the international importance of their work.

The First IDUB Competition

In 2019, the Ministry of Science and Higher Education held the first competition under this programme. As a result, 10 universities, from among 20 universities entitled to participate in the competition, receive a subsidy increased by 10% in the years 2020–2026 for the implementation of development plans included in applications submitted to the competition. The rest of participating universities receive a subsidy increased by 2%.

Leaders of the IDUB competition

An international team of experts associated with the science and higher education sector has selected 10 universities that will become research universities in the future.

The list contains (in the order in which the universities were selected in the competition)

  1. University of Warsaw
  2. Gdańsk University of Technology
  3. AGH University of Science and Technology
  4. Warsaw University of Technology
  5. Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań
  6. Jagiellonian University
  7. Medical University of Gdańsk
  8. Silesian University of Technology
  9. Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń
  10. University of Wrocław

The second ten of the IDUB competition

The formula of the IDUB programme allows to state that each of the 20 universities participating in the IDUB programme is the winner. All the participating institutions have met the strict conditions for participation in the competition related to the quality of scientific research and  diversification of the profile of activity. The universities which do not have the status of the winners receive annually until the announcement of the next competition additional funding amounting to 2%.

These universities include (listed in alphabetical order):

More information about the First IDUB Competition

The Midterm Evaluation of the programme (2023)

In 2023, the Ministry conducted a midterm evaluation of the IDUB programme. To that end, the Minister appointed an International Expert Team composed of renowned scholars. The Team analysed and evaluated the self-assessment reports submitted by the 10 universities participating in the programme, and then personally visited their premises. During site visits, the experts conducted a series of interviews with representatives of both established & young researchers and academic teachers, university management, and administrative staff. As a result of the midterm evaluation, all 10 IDUB universities obtained a positive assessment and therefore are able to continue in the programme.

Assessment of plan implementation

The final assessment will be carried out in 2026. After this time, some universities will have the possibility to extend the funding for the following years (2027‒2032).

At least two universities that will receive a negative result or will be in the lowest ranked in the list will not receive further funding. Universities or federations that will win a subsequent competition under the "Excellence Initiative – Research University" programme will be able to take their places. The competition will take place in 2026 and will be aimed at the academic centres which were not financed under the first competition.

The impact of the IDUB Programme

The implementation of the IDUB programme improves the state of the public science base in Poland by, amongst others, enhancing the quality of research and education at the best Polish universities, and by helping attract and retain foreign and domestic talent thanks to the introduction of more favourable work conditions, career opportunities, and staff development initiatives at the IDUB universities. The IDUB programme boosts the process of internationalisation of Polish science by allowing for a more vital staff exchange and mobility, as well as increased rates of employment of foreign staff and enrolment of international students. The IDUB programme also provides the extra funds for the top Polish universities to develop and improve their linkages to business, and to redefine and strengthen their role in the innovation ecosystem.

The IDUB Progress Review Conferences

The organisation of reporting conferences is one of the ways to implement the recommendations for regular monitoring of the progress of programme implementation.

More information about the First  IDUB Progress Review Conference


Reflections on the First IDUB Progress Review Conference – Prof. Lauritz Holm-Nielsen
View video recordings of the conference
Leaders of the "Excellence Initiative – Research University" competition - the best universities in Poland