International cooperation is being carried out in its various aspects by 3 units of the ministry: Department of International Cooperation, Department of Innovation and Development and Department of Science. Please see the details below.
General Director Office (BDG)
Responsible for the internal organization, labour law and implementation of the personnel policies of the Ministry.
Director: Olga Jarmołowicz
tel.: (+48 22) 52 92 725
Bureau of the Minister (BM)
Responsible for supporting the Minister and members of the Ministry's Management.
Director: Rafał Tomasik
tel.: (+48 22) 52 92 687
fax (+48 22) 52 92 633
Department of Budget and Finance (DBF)
Responsible for financial issues accounting, reporting and banking services and supporting higher education institutions as far as financial matters are concerned.
Director: Jarosław Oliwa
tel. (+48 22) 628 85 79, 621 73 82
fax. (+48 22) 52 92 351
Department of Science (DN)
The Department of Science finances investments in the field of scientific activities and finances the maintenance of scientific and research equipment unique in the country, and a special IT infrastructure. Ministry also finances The Virtual Science Library (WBN), a nationwide project, consisting in purchasing and making available to entities of the higher education and science system in Poland global knowledge resources in the form of electronic scientific journals, scientific books and bibliographic databases.
The Department's tasks include in particular:
- carrying out the process of assessing the quality of the scientific activity of higher education and science system entities;
- issues of the protection of animals used for scientific or educational purposes.The Department provides constant service for the Polish National Committee for Ethics in Animal Research;
- issues related to the education of doctoral students and the operation of doctoral schools;
- support to the Science Evaluation Committee in conducting the evaluation of the quality of education at doctoral schools.
- issues related to scientific degrees and degrees in art (doktor, doktor habilitowany) and the title of profesor in the higher education and science system;
- cooperation with the Council of Scientific Excellence that shall work to ensure the development of scientific staff in accordance with the highest quality standards of scientific activity required to obtain academic degrees, art degrees and the title of professor;
- financing investments in the field of scientific activities and finances the maintenance of scientific and research equipment unique in the country, and a special IT infrastructure;
- coordination of cooperation with the European Investment Bank in the area of agreements for financing research;
- Ministry also finances The Virtual Science Library (WBN), a nationwide project, consisting in purchasing and making available to entities of the higher education and science system in Poland global knowledge resources in the form of electronic scientific journals, scientific books and bibliographic databases;
- matters of the Polish Academy of Sciences, its scientific institutes and other organizational units within the Minister's jurisdiction.
tel. (+48 22) 529 23 29
Department of University Organization, Education and Student Affairs (DSW)
Responsible for providing legal and organisational conditions for universities and for supervising them (excluding financial matters).
tel. (+48 22) 52 92 384
fax: (+48 22) 52 92 697
Department of International Cooperation (DWM)
Responsible for ministerial services related to international cooperation within the field of higher education and science and implementation of the Erasmus+ Programme.
The Department's tasks include in particular:
- planning and undertaking endeavours aiming to development and sustainance of bi- and multilateral international cooperation, including tasks aiming to strengthening the internationalisation of higher education and science;
- coordinating the participation of the Minister’s representatives within international working groups;
- implementing the Minister’s tasks within the scope of the system of certification of linguistic proficiency of Polish as a foreign language, and coordinating tasks related to teaching Polish language in foreign academic institutions;
- implementing the Minister’s tasks within the scope of the system of acknowledgeability of education, and coordinating the system of acknowledgeability of vocational qualifications in Poland;
- cooperation with national and foreign entities within the sphere of migration policy;
- conducting affairs related to the Nicolaus Copernicus Academy, including:
- planning and implementing the state budget in part No. 90 – Nicolaus Copernicus Academy;
- approving yearly financial plans and yearly financial reports;
- approving performance reports;
- awarding and accounting for the financial resources;
- conducting affairs related to the Nicolaus Copernicus Superior School within the scope of its structure, teaching, including meeting the conditions necessary for conducting studies, granting permissions to open courses, assessment of compliance with the law;
- implementing cooperation with the Polish-US Fulbright Commission within the scope of international academic exchange;
- conducting affairs related to the European Higher Education Area, including its development and the Bologna Process;
- attending to the Minister’s representative in the Committee for the European Affairs (pol. Komitet do Spraw Europejskich);
- coordinating reviews of draft documents at the stage of their examination by the Committee for the European Affairs;
- arranging foreign business travels addording to the Minister’s needs.
The Department conducts the affairs related to the Minister’s supervision of:
- The Nicolaus Copernicus Academy;
- Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange (pol. Narodowa Agencja Wymiany Akademickiej, NAWA);
- The Nicolaus Coopernicus Superior School.
Director: Magdalena Maciejewska
tel. (+48 22) 52 92 266
fax: (+48 22) 50 17 130
Legal Department (DP)
Responsible for the ministerial services in the field of legislation and law.
Director: Wojciech Ulitko
tel. (+48 22) 52 92 525
Department of Innovation and Development (DIR)
Responsible for the field of innovation and development of higher education and science and issues related to the European Higher Education Area and the European Research Area.
Director: Michał Doligalski
tel. (+48 22) 621 78 83, 629 89 73
fax (+48 22) 628 97 13
Department of Scientific Programs and Investments (DPI)
Responsible for establishing and managing the Minister’s programs and projects, financing investments related to education in public universities, programing and implementing projects co-financed by the European Union structural funds and implementing the Minister’s initiatives.
Director: Alicja Steć
tel. (+48 22) 52 92 341
Department of Strategic Analysis and Popularization of Science (DAP)
Responsible for coordinating issues related to conducting strategic analyses, programming of systemic changes in the field of higher education and science, strategic planning for the needs of the Minister and the Ministry, as well as for popularization of science.
Director: Barbara Szelewa-Kropiwnicka
tel. (+48 22) 621 26 05
Department of Control and Audit (DKA)
Responsible for the implementation of the Minister's tasks related to control and internal audit.
Director: Monika Rytel
tel. (+48 22) 529 25 72