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Visit of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education delegation at the European University Institute in Florence


Andrzej Szeptycki, Undersecretary of State at the Ministry of Science and Higher Education, took part in The State of The Union #SOU2024 conference. The deputy minister talked about Poland's involvement in cooperation with the EUI, of the importance of global academic cooperation across borders and of prospects which studying abroad provides.

Visit of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education delegation at the European University Institute in Florence

The State of The Union #SOU2024

The 14th edition of The State of The Union #SOU2024 conference took place in Florence. The Ministry of Science was represented at the event by Deputy Minister Andrzej Szeptycki. The topics discussed included European Union expansion, demography, democracy, the rule of law, industrial policy as well as digital and ecological transformation. The event lasted two days with an additional one devoted to European art and culture before the upcoming European Parliament elections.

Meetings with the Polish academic community abroad

During his visit to Florence, Undersecretary of State at the Ministry of Science and Higher Education, Andrzej Szeptycki, met with representatives of the academic community: Rector of EUI, prof. Patrizia Nanz and Polish PhD students.

“I am glad that you can pursue your career at such a unique and prestigious venue and I hope that in the coming years there will be a growing number of candidates from Poland joining the international community,” said Andrzej Szeptycki.

Polish Presidency of the EUI High Council in 2024

During the meeting, the Deputy Minister emphasised the importance of Poland’s presidency of the EUI High Council in 2024.

“It is an honour and a privilege for us. I am deeply convinced that the Polish presidency of the EUI High Council in 2024 will be a period of progress and innovation for the Institute, and will strengthen the position of EUI as a leading scientific and research centre.

European University Institute of Florence (EUI)

The European University Institute (EUI) in Florence is an international scientific and academic institution focusing on social sciences. It offers prestigious doctoral studies and research programmes. Poland is committed to cooperation with EUI, which, through its operation in the field of higher education, contributes to the development of Europe's cultural and scientific heritage.
