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Innovation for Economy

Close cooperation between science and business is crucial for the full development of Poland’s economy. The Ministry of Science and Higher Education creates solutions beneficial for both scientists and entrepreneurs.

Ranks in the economic rankings of innovation and competitiveness, ranks of Polish universities in academic rankings and ranks of scientists in the rankings of research achievements are important as they influence investors' decisions of locating innovative ventures in Poland. They also influence decisions of the most talented would-be students when it comes to choosing a country to study and, consequently, a country of residence. Low expenditures both from public funds and from private sources take a toll when it comes to the current condition of scientific research. Polish expenditures for research and development in general are lower than the expenditures on R&D of some big international companies. The response to contemporary development challenge is the change aimed at ensuring successful transfer of knowledge to the economy as well as effective cooperation between science and business, especially in the areas identified as strategic for the Polish development policy. The directions of change indicate the second pillar of the strategy dedicated to the commercialisation of research and establishing partnership with business.


Innovations for Economy mean:

• Benefits for entrepreneurs,

• Benefits for scientists,

• Benefits for society,

• Providing financial instruments for innovation.

