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Evaluation of the quality of scientific activity

  • Evaluation is an assessment of the quality of scientific activity, which is carried out within the scientific disciplines practised in a particular entity of the higher education and science system. The evaluation takes into account the individual achievements of all employees representing a particular scientific discipline. The entities are awarded scientific categories A+, A, B+, B or C in each discipline, with A+ being the highest and C being the lowest scientific category. Among other things, the results of the evaluation determine the rights to conduct studies, doctoral schools, award degrees and titles, as well as the amount of subsidies, i.e. the funds that entities receive from the state budget.
  • The evaluation is carried out by the Science Evaluation Committee, whose second term began on 1 April 2023.
  • The first evaluation of the quality of scientific activity, conducted in 2022 under the new regulations, covered the years 2017-2021.
  • In 2022, the evaluation was carried out on science activities conducted in 283 entities, including:
    103 public universities,
    29 non-public universities,
    5 church universities,
    2 federations,
    69 scientific institutes of the Polish Academy of Sciences,
    64 research institutes,
    the international institute, and
    10 other entities conducting scientific activities on an independent and continuous basis.
  • In the 2022 evaluation of the quality of scientific activity, a total of 1145 scientific categories were awarded to entities in 47 individual scientific and artistic disciplines.
  • Out of the total of 1145 entities evaluated in the disciplines, scientific category:
    A+ received 120 47.86%;
    A received 428
    B+ received 525 45,85%;
    B received 48 6.29%
    C received 24  
  • Overall, about 93.7% of the entities evaluated in the disciplines maintained or obtained the right to confer doctoral degrees.

The next evaluation will be carried out by the Science Evaluation Committee in 2026 and will cover the years 2022-2025.
