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Recycling machines were installed by the Ministry of Development and by the Warsaw Stock Exchange (GPW), which reward the residents for waste segregation


Recycling machines by the Warsaw Stock Exchange
  • Recycling machines were installed by the main office of the Ministry of Development and the Warsaw Stock Exchange, which constitute a component of the Motivational Waste Management System by EcoTech System 
  • It is an innovative EcoSmartCity solution providing incentives and rewards for the citizens in return for waste segregation
  • The recycling machine automatically segregates waste and awards the user for segregation, by assigning a certain number of ECO-points to the user's mobile application ECO-Wallet (ECO-portfel).
  • ECO-points have tangible value and may be used in the form of a sales voucher

The recycling machines were installed by the buildings of the Ministry of Development and the Warsaw Stock Exchange. The machines were manufactured by EcoTech System as a component of the Motivational Waste Management System (MWMS). The project aims to ensure an effective and socially-oriented method for waste segregation “at the source”, to drive a change in the behaviours and habits of the citizens and wide education using motivational incentives. The event was attended by: Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Development Jadwiga Emilewicz, Deputy Minister of State Assets Artur Soboń, the Chairman of the Management Board of the Warsaw Stock Exchange Marek Dietl and the representatives of EcoTech System.

Segregation is cost-effective - we hope that the recycling machines will help to disseminate this belief and that they will positively impact our habits.  The recycling machines are more than just machines, as they involve an entire IT system, used to set up incentives and create environmentally-friendly consumer habits. Our aim is to introduce a circular economy in Poland. We should segregate, recycle and reintroduce as much raw materials into the economy as possible. We can imagine that such innovative systems of incentives could be established in municipalities and be interconnected with preferential access to certain public services - such as free public transport - noted the Deputy Prime Minister Jadwiga Emilewicz.

MWMS is an innovative EcoSmartCity solution providing incentives and rewards for the citizens in return for waste segregation using the ECO-Wallet (ECO-Portfel) application. The recycling machine automatically sorts waste, while the central system registers all transactions and awards the user for segregation through ECO-points, which can be traded for sales vouchers. 

The solution offered by EcoTech System addresses the current as well as the future issues related to global waste managements, i.e. minimising waste and protecting rare-earth elements. In addition, it may be one of the components supporting Extended Producer Responsibility while accounting for the manufacturers of packing materials. Support of similar projects lies within the interest of Polish economy. I am happy to see the involvement of a company supervised by the Ministry, i.e. GPW which is currently the best place which supports innovative enterprises. These companies may easily secure financing on the stock exchange, and the investors have their sights set on companies from that particular sector - stressed Deputy Minister of State Assets Artur Soboń.

The initiative is a part of the cooperation between the GPW and HugeTech, which runs the Idea Global accelerator under the programme of the Polish Agency for Enterprise Development (PAED). GPW is involved in the process of accelerating the company, which helps to solve both current as well as the future issues related to municipal waste at a certain area, which remains in line with the national and the European Union guidelines on circular economy.

The development of a platform for trading waste and discontinuing recycling certificates is one of the strategic initiatives of #GPW2022. We intend to launch it within 12 months after setting up the legal framework for a transparent waste market. During the incubation period, we check whether there is a valid reason for connecting the designed platform with a network of recycling machines - stressed Marek Dietl, the Chairman of the GPW Management Board.
