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Artificial Intelligence supports the Anti-Crisis Shield website


The Ministry of Economic Development has launched a chatbot which supports entrepreneurs searching for information regarding the Anti-Crisis Shield.

Hands on the keyboard.

The chatbot is available 24 hours a day, and entrepreneurs do not have to wait on the info-line.

The chatbot for the Anti-Crisis Shield, introduced by the Ministry of Development at, provides services to tens of thousands of entrepreneurs, providing answers to over 170 most frequently asked questions. It supports the work of over 150 consultants who answer more complex questions via live chat and hotline. The bot has already carried out conversations with over 15,000 customers and answered nearly 30,000 questions.

Just type in questions such as:

  • How to receive a loan for micro-entrepreneurs?
  • Where can I receive the downtime benefit?
  • What kind of support is provided to the employees employed on the basis of commission contracts?
  • What is the term for submitting applications for the exemption from the contributions to the Social Insurance Institution (ZUS)?
  • What is the planned date for launching the call for applications for remuneration subsidies?

Chatbot supports the team of experts, but it does not perform their tasks. It allows to reduce waiting queues for the persons who call the hotline, providing answers to the most common questions 24 hours a day. When a question is more complex and the Virtual Assistant does not know the answer, it will seamlessly transfer the conversation to the consultant - a specialist providing answers at the live chat or will collect the question into a form.

Unlike many bots that only guide users through a simple programmed dialogue, the Virtual Shield Advisor is based on numerous US-patented advanced artificial intelligence technologies. The applied machine learning algorithms are continuously trained by the questions asked by the users. All that enables for a more precise understanding and providing answers to questions asked by businesses and citizens within seconds.

You can use the solution by opening the window in the “Questions and Answers” section at the following website

The Anti-Crisis Shield website was visited by almost a million users since it has been launched. The website is a compendium of knowledge regarding the possible solutions contained in the Shield for protecting entrepreneurs, among others.

The website also contains information regarding the solutions provided by public institutions and agencies such as: Social Insurance Institution (ZUS), National Treasury Agency (KAS), Industrial Development Agency (ARP), Bank Gospodarstwa Krajowego (BGK), etc. The website redirects the users to pages allowing to submit an electronic application in a given case.

Parallel to the website, a national info-line for entrepreneurs and their employees is also available. All necessary information on the solutions contained in the government's Anti-Crisis Shield are available at 732 122 500 or 22 484 84 84. The info-line consultants receive 2.5 thousand calls each day. The info-line is available between 8.00 am up to 4 p.m.
